Connection Coupons


If you’ve reached this page, you’ve probably scanned the QR code on a Connection Coupon.

Cool! Below are some suggestions for improv games that two or more people can play together. All of the coupons are designed to be a low-pressure game: cards you can share and trade, that help develop the skill of asking for healthy support, and offering it to others in turn. Together, they acknowledge the fact that we all face our own vulnerabilities, and that there’s a certain amount of risk in asking for help. But everyone deserves help and health, and any team, group, or family can develop a culture of companionship and support that benefits everyone. We’re all in this together, after all.

The coupons encourage spontaneous activities like a Breath of Fresh Air, a Round of Applause, Ten Minutes of Solitude, Shared Mindfulness, Movement, and a Wellness Check-In.

If you’d like to order one or more sets of the coupons

Thanks for visiting this site. Please feel free to stay awhile, navigate around and take a look at what I have to offer you and your team in creativity coaching, team building, and more. And contact me here with any questions!

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